FFN welcomes new directors
The Future Farmers Network (FFN) has welcomed two new non-executive directors and the re-appointment of three existing directors to the board.
At the AGM held on Thursday 12 November 2020, FFN members voted in favour of re-appointing Richard Kohne, Tom Rookyard and Lachlan Lynch to the board. Samantha Noon and Amelia Shaw were appointed to the board both bringing sought after expertise that will see FFN support members and Australian agriculture more broadly.
Current FFN Chair, Richard Kohne said “it was fantastic to have 19 applications for the non-executive director roles this year, from various sectors and spread geographically across Australia”.
“FFN has remained agile and successfully adapted to deliver events virtually in response to Covid-19, increasing the digital footprint of the organisation with its new Mentor of the Month podcast and online Start-Up Stories events.
“It’s an exciting time for us as an organisation and for Australian agriculture. We remain committed to delivering events nationally that connect, educate and empower young people in agriculture and we are very excited to be welcome both Sam and Amelia to the board as we continue to support our members and partners,” Richard said.
FFN will continue to support those 18 to 35 working across all agriculture and rural industries in 2021 and are excited to introduce new offerings and opportunities in the new year.
If your business would like to help make a difference in Australian agriculture by supporting the progression of young people in our industry FFN would love to hear from you.
Samantha About:
Samantha Noon is an experienced agricultural journalist and 2019 AMA Feature Writer of the Year Finalist, who grew up on a cattle and sheep station in Queensland where she first began her career with Rural Press, Fairfax Media. Samantha draws upon years of cross-sectoral experience, including digital media, marketing and communications, brand strategy, business development and partnerships, and is currently undertaking her Masters in Sustainable Agriculture with Charles Sturt University. Samantha now works remotely, from Inverell, Northern NSW, with AgriFutures Australia managing content production and development for the Agrifood Engagement programs in the lead up to the evokeAG 2022 event in Perth, WA.
Amelia About:
Amelia Shaw is Policy Manager for GrainGrowers Ltd, managing the drought, agribusiness, and trade portfolios. Amelia currently holds Director roles on the YMCA of Brisbane and Y-Care SE QLD Boards. Amelia has significant experience in strategy development, marketing and partnerships as well as a comprehensive knowledge of the agricultural sector. Amelia is passionate about promoting young voices and ensuring young people are represented in conversations about the future of Australian agriculture.